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Installing Fonts

See the Arch wiki on Fonts for much more information. Some of this information has been copied from there for my own reference / notes.

List Installed Fonts

These commands will list installed fonts, see the subcategories below for sorting through installed fonts.

# List all installed fonts

# List fonts for specified lang
fc-list -f '%{file}\n' :lang=ar
#+ list all japanese font families
fc-list -f "%{family}\n" :lang=ja


Font aliases such as serif, sans-serif, monospace, and others can be used to list fonts with the below command -

fc-match monospace

Unicode Character Support

This is useful when trying to verify that the proper font is installed for displaying a unicode character.

For example, the below is matching a font for the character for a pile of poo, or U+1F4A9 -

# Match unicode character with supported font
fc-match -s monospace:charset=1F4A9 

Input this character into vim by running :UnicodeSearch! U+1F4A9 or enter <Ctrl><V>U1F4A9 while in insert mode within vim.

Installed by Package Manager

To list fonts installed by Pacman -

## list font packages installed by pacman
fc-list -f "%{file} " | xargs pacman -Qqo | sort -u


The below, and some of the other commands here, from user thisoldman on Arch discussions -

## list all fonts and styles known to fontconfig
fc-list : | sort
## list monospace fonts by family and file
fc-list -f "%{family} : %{file}\n" :spacing=100 | sort
## all bold fonts
fc-list :style=Bold | sort