LUKS Encrypting Linux Filesystems
sudo dd bs=4M if=/run/media/kapper/Seagate\ Portable\ Drive/Distros/kali-linux-2019.2-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdi conv=fdatasync status=progress
Create a mount point
mkdir /mnt/hdd
New entry in /etc/fstab
/dev/mapper/hddencrypted /mnt/hdd ext4 defaults 0 2
Validate fstab without reboot:
sudo mount -a
A key file in the /boot directory can be read by any other operation system booted on your machine that is able to mount the filesystem on that /boot is located. Thus, encryption is not really effective. This argument applies to all key file locations on unencrypted file systems.
To avoid key files on unencrypted file systems a password can be used for decryption. Create a strong password for the device. Then, change the line in /etc/crypttab to
hddencrypted UUID=b3024cc1-93d1-439f-80ce-1b1ceeafda1e none luks
and keep the entry in /etc/fstab unmodified. Ubuntu 14.04/16.04/18.04 asks you for the password on startup.